Friday, January 9, 2009

Kal K Korff threatens Steven Spielberg!!!!!!!

One man is one of the most respected, honored, and profitable film directors in all of history.

The other is a fat washed up You Tuber who MOLESTED A 14 YEAR OLD GIRL.

One man has the respect and love of the whole world, especially the Jewish community.

The other masks his hatred of Jews by pretending to be in a non-existent Israeli Organization.

One man has given millions to charities all over the world.

The other stole 45,000 Euros worth of goods from a non-profit company in Prague.

One man is named Steven Spielberg.

The other is Kal K Korff.

Now Kal K Korff, noted pedophile, wanted criminal, and confirmed anti-semite has reached a new low. In one of Kal's craven You Tube productions, he actually threatens Steven Spielberg.


Yes, you saw correctly. Kal K Korff claims not only will he expose Steven Spielberg, but that he has been working for a while undermining his career in Hollywood.

I can only hope that this You Tube video is sent to Mr. Spielberg's management and that they drop the hammer down on Kal.



  1. Holy Shit, Kal Korff!

    Does that knucklehead have any clue?
    Is Col. Douchebag really that far out of touch?
    Could his mother have really given birth to such a fucking loser?

    All questions lead to one final question: What happened?

    I've forwarded Spielberg's company the YouTube link and a short note. I explain Kal's behavior, based on the (extremely safe) assumption that they have never heard of Korff.

    Let's hope he continues to be such entertainment for us.

  2. This is an example of Kal picking an opponent so far out of his weight class that it's supposed to make Kal look fearless, but actually he figured Spielberg wouldn't waste time on a no talent peon like himself.

    Of course, Kal didn't count on a group of folks so sick of Kal's BS that they would do their best to bring it to Spielberg's attention.

    One problem: Kal may actually WANT to be drug into court by Spielberg as a way to get his name in the spotlight. Whatever Spielberg wins from Kal, Kal won't be able to pay, but Kal will have gotten mainstream press, which I'm pretty sure is what he craves. As many times as he has brought up his appearance on Larry King you can tell Kal is DYING to get back to that level and he might be willing to take a huge lawsuit to do it (I'm also pretty sure that some attorney looking for some free press will take on Kal's side, too, so Kal will be free of legal fees)

    Still, though, I'd love for Kal to make the mistake of letting this go to trial so they could get him under oath about all his nonsense. I think Kal is too smart for that, however, so he'll pull down the video (at Spielbeg's request) to avoid having to testify but he'll spin it somehow that Spielberg is on of the "Kritics" or some other nonsense.

    I wish he'd just sue me, though.

  3. I hope people saved the YouTube video where Kal trashes Spielberg. Every chance of it disappearing. Think I saw Korff comment once about Spielberg in one of his articles just as he did in the vid. Kal has got some erasing to do.

  4. There are actually 2 YouTube videos where Kal hits on Spielberg, also George Jonas. The one from last September, with his cowboy hat and 'reporter's vest' on, announcing his trip to Munich.

  5. Brad's right - Kal figures even bad attention is better than no attention. This is classic behavior for children.

    I don't agree that "Kal is too smart for {anything}." Kal is simply acting on instinct to get any attention, with little regard to any consequences.

  6. And F1 - you rock for sending a letter to Jonas' agent. From her response, I believe they'll follow up on Kal/YouTube in some way.

    Of course, we'll hear from Kal along these lines...
    "Jonas knew he was WRONG, that's why he protested so strongly to my RIGHT statements!!"

