Monday, January 19, 2009

Kal K Korff registered as Anti-Semite by Israeli Government

Kal K Korff, noted criminal and con artist, can now add "Registered Anti-Semite" to his resume.

According to Internal Affairs, Kal has been registered by the Israeli Government as an Anti-Semite, which makes prosecution of Kal for consumer fraud and other crimes that much more easier.

Apparently Kal's Usenet posts from 1991 have come back to haunt him. It was THIS blog which EXPOSED the hate posts Kal made many years ago, which have now come back to haunt him.

Kal K Korff HATES Israel. His continued insults to the great Jewish nation and its people have NOW gotten him into worlds of trouble!!!

This blog feels it is our duty to expose Kal K Korff's hatred of all things Jewish so the world can be on its guard against his rantings and ravings!


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